Recently a few interesting screenshots have surfaced, showcasing the popular chat application enhanced with lustrous new voice call features.
While the functionality is still not available and probably not even fully complete,whatsapp enthusiasts have managed to dig up a glimpse of what it may look like.
As it turns out, the Android version of WhatsApp exists in two main build branches, One stable branch, which can be found on the Play Store and which almost everybody has on their devices and another one, distributed directly off of the company’s website.
The latter gets updated a lot more frequently and eager Android tinkerers and developers have figured out that it often includes features that are still in the making. Those are hidden away for testing purposes.
The latest version of the application, supplied by the Facebook owned company, includes a lot of new secret screens that set the ground for a future voice calling function.
The images, but also texts and application layouts. We have the information and images combined in a number of 'screenshots'.

Since a few versions back,Whatsapp[GooglePlay Store version] ask permission to turn on Bluetooth. This has to do with the chime feature of WhatsApp: Bluetooth can be turned on in order to connect with a Bluetooth headset. The interface is also fairly simple.

During conversations users can also see when someone calls or when you have a missed WhatsApp calls. This is just as shown as, for example, sent and received photos and messages.

In the screensot you can see, for example, the phone number of your colleagues, but also media files that you have exchanged. It seems likely that the information about your call log will also be processed in this screen.

Currently, the discovery is pretty interesting, but it is too early to draw any conclusions based on the early screenshots.
Be sure to check back with any interesting scoops.
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